Greetings! I am Ilias Kasmeridis and this is my personal website.
I am a passionate and open-minded Software Engineer that constantly aims to gain new experience and broaden his knowledge, owning a Master’s degree in Advanced Computer Systems. Currently a researcher and PhD candidate.
I am experienced in the areas of Compilers, Web Development, and Android application development. My academic research focused on Parallel Systems and Compilers, targeting shared-memory and distributed-memory systems.
Feb 2024 – Present
Ioannina, Greece
Doctoral Researcher
University of Ioannina

“Expanding BIPV city deployment against urban and climate change related temperature increases” is carried out within the framework of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan Greece 2.0, funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU (Implementation body: HFRI).
Host organization: University of Patras
Co-operating organizations: National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), University of Ioannina (UOI).
Apr 2020 – Present
Thessaloniki, Greece
Software Developer
I provide custom software solutions and hosting services to customers, as well as continuous maintenance of the final products, using modern technologies.
Oct 2021 – Oct 2023
Ioannina, Greece
Doctoral Researcher
University of Ioannina

I was involved in the project “DIONI: Computing Infrastructure for Big-Data Processing and Analysis”, implemented by the University of Ioannina and funded by the Ministry of Development and Investments, Greece and the European Regional Development Fund.
May 2022 – Sep 2022
Ioannina, Greece
Laboratory Teaching Assistant
University of Ioannina

I was in charge of the Parallel Systems and Programming course supplementary class, in the Dpt. of Computer Science & Engineering. My responsibilities were the following:
- Teaching
- Preparation of the lectures material (presentations and lab exercises)
- Assisting undergraduate students attending the class
- Grading the students’ projects and exams
Aug 2021 – Oct 2021
Thessaloniki, Greece
Lance Corporal of Artillery (LCpl)
Hellenic Army

3 months before the termination of my compulsory military service in the Greek Army, I was awarded with the rank of Lance Corporal (LCpl) – Υποδεκανέας (Υδνέας), for showing exemplary performance in my position (Assistant to the battery sergeant major).
Jan 2021 – Jul 2021
Thessaloniki, Greece
Hellenic Army

My responsibilities, among others, were the following:
- Preparation of the daily Privates’ services program
- Preparation of the required leave documents for the battery staff
- Acting as a middleman between the Battery Commander and the Privates
I carried out all of my assigned tasks with the supervision of my Battery Commander and my Battery Sergeant Major. Before my discharge, I delivered a memorandum to my successor, in which I documented every process I followed throughout my service.
May 2019 – Jan 2021
London, UK
Full-stack Web Developer
Be Culture Ltd.

My main role at Be Culture Ltd as a full-stack web developer was taking highly innovative creative concepts and building them with as much creativity and precision as they were designed.
In this position, I gained strong experience in picking the perfect design pattern for a project, as well as a deeper understanding of how different components are connected within a web project. Moreover, I learnt to emphasize on performance and scalability.
In the front-end scope of the role, I focused on implementing the UI and UX using contemporary techniques such as AJAX and web animations, while caring about pixel perfection.
Aug 2019 – Dec 2020
Ioannina, Greece
Software Engineer
PALIMPSEST Project, University of Ioannina

PALIMPSEST is a GR-IT Interreg project (2018-2022) that aims to develop an interactive, open-air museum experience in public spaces. To do so, it will restore forgotten layers of the city’s past through the active engagement of the city’s inhabitants and the collaboration of an interdisciplinary team of artists, architects and software engineers among others. PALIMPSEST aspires to revitalize urban spaces and attract high quality tourism.
While being involved in this project, my main responsibility was to design and implement the initial version of the Android application (PALIMPSEST App), as well as an auxiliary tool for creating user stories, PALIMPSEST Booth.
Jul 2021 – Present
PhD Candidate, Parallel Computing
University of Ioannina
Oct 2018 – Jan 2021
MSc Computer Systems and Data Engineering
University of Ioannina
Oct 2012 – Nov 2018
MEng Computer Science & Engineering
University of Ioannina